Friday, 22 January 2016

The next book is almost ready - and I'm starting on the project after that!

I've finished draft one of the content for my next book. It's a book about writing a book! It will talk through the process of writing a top selling non-fiction book. What I have left to do is-

  • Edit the content
  • Add any extras, such as illustrations or charts
  • Get the cover designed
  • Publish
  • Market the book
It's exciting stuff!

I've started the brainstorming for the next project and it will be entitled something like the following-

I'll show you how to become an estate agent

I want to produce a book, a MOOC (massive online open course), a support consultancy, a website and an app.

From here I think that I will be able to provide support for both startup estate agencies and marketing ideas for established agents. I will also make available a set of documents for estate agents-

  • Contracts
  • Letters
  • Invoices
  • Prospecting letters

These will be available to be bought singly or as a pack. Each document will be set up as both an administrative tool and a marketing tool.

As with all of the writing projects I've been doing, once the content is produced then it just sits there awaiting purchase. There will be annual reviews and updates (possibly more frequently than this for the MOOC) but essentially the work is done.

I've always wanted to have a set income coming through that frees me up to do other things and along with everything else I've written, this feels like it's getting there.

Friday, 15 January 2016

What’s in a name? What difference does a name make? Can a name make a difference?

Marion Morrison changed his name to John Wayne. Norma Jean Baker changed hers to Marilyn Monroe. In Hollywood the right name means a great deal. In business it’s exactly the same. A catchy name, a catchy website is the difference between being noticed by the internet or being lost. A great website domain literally is the difference between potential riches and potential obscurity.
How do you go about finding a great name? What help is available? Where can I turn when I need a great domain name? A great name for my startup?

Traditionally you would trawl through a domain reseller and check out all the different words or combinations of words that suit your business. For example, if you are a startup that wants to sell luxury items for women you would try-
  •          Luxury lady
  •          Lady luxury
  •          High end woman
  •          Luxury
  •          Luxury woman

And so on. This is time consuming, often completely fruitless and can sometimes be expensive. If you find the combination of words that you think you just must have and it’s already owned by someone else then you can end up hitting a brick wall or being quoted a ridiculous price.

The mass resellers don’t understand what you want from a domain name. They just register everything they can get their hands on and hope someone buys it, fast and cheap.

There is a solution emerging for the savvy startup that wants a name to reflect their company – not to reflect whatever was available at the time. It’s Name Perfection – brandable startup and company domain names. They have a series of domain names already secured, but it’s more than that. The names have been hand-selected to ensure that they are catchy and they are all the things that a quality brand name domain should be-

  •          Great
  •          Short
  •          Pronounceable
  •          Brandable
  •          Pass the radio test

What is the radio test? I hear you ask. Well, it’s this-

The “radio test” for domain names is this: can a potential customer find a company website after listening to a commercial and hearing the company domain name mentioned?

Taking the example from above about a women’s luxury item domain name, you can see clearly from the site that is available, it’s catchy, it passes the radio test and can be obtained. This is the other advantage of using - you aren’t searching high and low for domain names. You can see in a very short pace of time the domain names that are available, make your selection and then get on with your startup – taking away loads of lost time, fruitless searching and stress.

In my startup business venture I have just started on the road of domain name searches and I must admit that before I found I was searching the wrong way. I spent hours just typing and retyping different word combinations to try to find something, anything that broadly described what I do. I now know that I was looking in the wrong place.

All in all, I recommend you using because it puts you in a position of control and efficiency. Control because you are not at the beck and call of the mass domain resellers who have every domain name under the sun except those that are catchy. Efficient because you turn what could be a time-consuming process into a quick one by finding a quality domain name for your business that does everything you want it to do.