Saturday, 28 February 2015

To blog more or to blog less? That is the question.


I am currently writing 5 different blogs, most 3 or 4 times a week. My next question to myself is do I take in the 2 new blogs that are forming in my mind? Or do I actually cut the amount if blogging I do to make room for other activities. Now long-time readers will know that I carry out a lot of my blogs in spare time that I would probably struggle to do anything else -on the park and ride bus in the way to work, waiting at the bus stop, in my lunch break at work - so the question on productivity may not be relevant. I can't get any jobs fine around the house, set up my business or even mystery shop effectively in these times. So what would I be gaining of I cutdown on my blogging time? In terms of time or replacement tasks, nothing.

I enjoy blogging and getting down ideas and concepts - in fact it often helps me to think things through. The fact that I'm typing down my thoughts and sharing them with the world isn't all that different to just sitting, staring out of the window thinking about the same things.

The new blogs that I'm considering g writing are-

One that's football-related. I love football and I've followed it all my life, so I feel that I've got something to say on this matter. It will be an opinion blog with a few solutions thrown in for good measure. I have views on the way football has developed recently and I'd like to share them with the world, as I'm sure thousands of football fans already are.

The second blog is related to my photography. I know I've shared a lot of photography on this blog, but if be looking to go into a bit of detail about locations, timings, equipment and what I'd do differently next time. It's about being a learning tool for me to evaluate what I've done and properly think about the next time I shoot a similar subject, as much as sharing my experiences with the world.

I'd also consider my journey as a creative writer in hrs form of a blog. Once I've finalised my photography course, I'm starting an online creative writing course and I would like to document the journey from starting out to (hopefully) publishing my first book.

Watch this space!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

I am the answer, but I don't totally understand what the question is yet


I am the answer, but I don't totally understand what the question is yet.

I don't mind admitting that I sometimes have doubts over this new business estate agency thing. I suppose it's natural to have thoughts about maintaining the status quo, especially when I enjoy my life as it is. I have a many irons in the fire at the moment that I find I'm not concentrating on any one enough -

I have to compartmentalise areas if my life and the what's next method has started to pay dividends -

I've refined it a little and now I'm having weeks concentrated in certain areas to emphasise and maximise the amount in each area I get done. This week is stuff around the house week and has consisted today of-

Filling and sanding bathroom ceiling
Painting hall and landing walls
Buying a new kettle and milk pan
Buying sealant for the bathroom

Tomorrow will be sorting out-

Painting the bathroom ceiling
Buying curtains for my bedroom
Buying curtains for the landing
Buying a beanbag for the newly-configured lounge
Buying a lampshade for the lamp in my bedroom
Buying a rug for the lounge

All might seem fairly mundane things but all need to be sorted so I can concentrate my efforts all in one place.

The quote at the start about being the answer but not knowing the question really related to the doubts I have and what I want to do to give me a contingency income to allow me to carry in with the estate agency without constantly worrying about money. The blogs, the self-published books, the photography, etc are designed to give me financial security and a small monthly income no matter what the business is doing. If I can add that to income from investments and perhaps rental income from a property, then it allows me to go for it and take the risks that may be necessary to become a success.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Photography on location in Southend-on-Sea


There's only 100 days left of my journey and I'm away from home this week. I've taken some photos on my travels. One of  the things I wanted to get out of the course was the ability for my photos to tell their own story and I think in starting to get there with my final project and these photos.

I've deliberately under-exposed this to emphasise the sky and the dark, cold conditions. I liked the geometry of the fence and lamp posts and how this repeated through the image.

I worked hard here to ensure that the shafts of sunlight breaking through the clouds showed up here. I've enjoyed shooting industrial scenes, often alongside natural features and this continues on that theme, which is also the theme for my final project.

The contrast of the flurry of colour at the bottom of the picture against the bleakness of the top half of the picture really appealed to me when I saw this. Again I've slightly under-exposed to ensure that the sea stays dark
And there isn't too much going on in the sky.

This is my favourite picture of the week as I've used depth of field and leading lines to capture the construction and length of the pier at Southend-on-Sea in Essex. Again I think it captures and conveys how cold and bleak the day was and how man-made structures can take on and reflect the elements.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

I'm still here!


In case anyone was wondering if is fallen off the face of the earth, this is just a short note to say that in still here.

Quite a bit of progress since I last posted, so here goes-

The Business
Paint the left wall of the garage done
Assemble the table that will be my desk -table broken -buying new desk tomorrow
Paint the rest of the garage -ran out of paint, buy some more tomorrow

At Home
Sand and paint the bathroom ceiling - tomorrow morning
Glue stones on cupboards in kitchen -tomorrow morning
Paint hall and landing - still a work in progress

My "Books And Games" Selling Business
Get all stock out of loft and place in new office in garage -done
Check and update inventory -tomorrow

Finish a book I'm writing on how to buy a home -3 chapters done, 5 to go
Edit the book down to get it ready to publish - first edit if written chapters done, final edit when all finished
Start the creative writing course I've enrolled in - after my photography course finishes in March 

Mystery shops
Update my spreadsheet with all shop data on -done
Prepare for the 7 shops I have on Thursday -done (ended up being 8 shops!)
Look at adding to the 4 shops I have on Friday done (got it up to 6 jobs!)
Look up online about self-assessment and tax -tomorrow

Photography course
Go to the local city and get the final city photos for my final project, based on the main river that runs by here - done
Retake some of the other photos I have, in the golden hour, to ensure the sky is lit best - no need, as the photos from above were do good

This update helps me as much as you guys, but it's nice to see some meat on the homes and some progress to the planning.

Tomorrow is a day off, and it looks like a busy day! Add 3 mystery shops to the above activities, but I'm confident that I'll get this done!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

What's next? - my new strategy


After sounding off a bit on my last blog and feeling a bit rudderless, I've devised a new strategy to deal with all the different balls I'm trying to juggle at present. I've dubbed it the "what's next approach." On one sheet of paper I've made a note if all the areas I'm trying to progress in, then in each area I've written what I need to do next. Sounds simple? It has only started today after a little formulation in my brain last night and the process of writing these small steps down has been hugely refreshing in its own.

The list is-

The Business
Paint the left wall of the garage
Assemble the table that will be my desk
Paint the rest of the garage

At Home
Sand and paint the bathroom ceiling
Glue stones on cupboards in kitchen
Paint hall and landing

My "Books And Games" Selling Business
Get all stock out of loft and place in new office in garage
Check and update inventory

Finish a book I'm writing on how to buy a home
Edit the book down to get it ready to publish
Start the creative writing course I've enrolled in

Mystery shops
Update my spreadsheet with all shop data on
Prepare for the 7 shops I have on Thursday
Look at adding to the 4 shops I have on Friday
Look up online about self-assessment and tax

Photography course
Go to the local city and get the final city photos for my final project, based on the main river that runs by here
Retake some of the other photos I have, in the golden hour, to ensure the sky is lit best