Saturday, 30 April 2016

Devotion drives the startup owner and Devoted Fan is a great idea

There is one thing that comes out when you speak to startup entrepreneurs about their business. It is their devotion to what they do in their lives every day. Devotion is a major factor in being successful at anything and in today’s blog I take a look at a website that has been born from devotion and looks like it will be taking the next steps on to something big.

Devoted Fan is a great website that I have come across. It has been developed to show devotion to some of the things outside of the business world that inspire us in our everyday lives. I have written in one of my blog pieces before about inspiration and it plays a really important part of making us who we are. This great website takes it to the next level. This is a fantastic website where you can get the chance to-

  •          Browse and vote for your favorite celebrities from all the different categories we have
  •          Share those great selfies you have with your favorite celebrity
  •          Tell the world about the impact a celebrity had or is having on your life in your own words

There is a dedicated page for each and every celebrity so you can see all the love they have and the stories, selfies and inspirations people share about your most loved celebrity. This is a great way to get involved with the celebrity or celebrities you love the most and let the world know just how much you love them!

Devoted Fan is a great idea for a website and you as a startup entrepreneur can use the inspiration that it brings to your own business. The fact is that celebrity sells and people always want a forum to voice their opinions. If you can provide either of these for your startup business then you will stand a much better chance of being the entrepreneur that survives. In your own industry or specialism you can tap into how people want to share their ideas and inspirations to help your company to succeed.

Check out the website today at Devoted Fan then you can see what a great idea it is and share how your favorite celebrity has inspired you in some way. Perhaps we can get a category going for business leaders! I put forward the name Sir Richard Branson to start the discussion rolling.

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